SAFER Board Meeting - December 2019

SAFER Annual Board Meeting - 2019

December 2, 2019, 10:00 AM

Frank Hotchkin Memorial Training Center

1700 Stadium Way

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Board Members present: President Quinn, Past President Gurrola , Tracy Rabe, Seely, Szczepanek, Snider

Upcoming meetings:

December        Santa Fe Springs           LAFD UAS

January             Murrieta FD                   LACoFD


2019 Meeting Schedule and Topic schedule:

·       Board reports and submission:

o   Weak on turning in reports for each committee

o   Keith related the group could be sharing related materials to appropriate committee for inclusion into committee reports

·       Presentation ideas / outreach

o   Solicit input from members / attendees / agencies

o   Include links, research, studies on current topics and prior presentations

o   Solar panels, wellness, Edison / Water & Power, power outages, UAS, South – Ops tour,  

·       Presentation feedback

o   Develop a form on web page to solicit feedback

o   Meeting Minutes:

ü  Unable to include PowerPoint / Outlines / Pic’s and charts to minutes using the SquareSpace platform. (maybe trying to upload file types not supported to website).

ü  SquareSpace platform won’t save formatting from outlined document.

ü  Will follow-up with Tony to improve content in minutes. 

·       Vendor / presentation and hosting locations / April

o   Vendors should RSVP with table requirements and space / access issues to assure desired display environment.

·       Board attendance and support

o   We need board members to attend when possible

·       Increase outreach

o   The more we push the meeting notices the better our attendance

·       Symposium / Regional EGH February 5/6/RTG

o   Planning an event / symposium – LAFD and RTG possible

o   Early Symptom treatment program (similar to Dallas – Fort Worth FD) at Hotchkins.

Revenue Ideas:

Several venders for promotional products were discussed, prices / products to be researched for future consideration.

·       Mugs

·       T-Shirts

·       Dues

o   Increase? Will complete an online vote (no quorum today)

Social Media:

·       Additional outreach and ideas for growth

·       Pre-approval for fallen on FB page (working well)

Keep doing it

·       iPAD sign in or web based sign-in

o   Iman from VCFD will be approached / assigned to support web development

·       Web access reports and notes for monthly meetings


Upcoming Board positions (Even Year positions):

·       President

o   Wants to bow out as President – New LAFD Staff position is taking a lot more time / concentration than prior field assignment.

·       Secretary

·       Others

o   Reach out to “board members” to see who wants to continue / become a board member going forward


Open forum:

o   Electric Fire Engine (Rosenbauer)

o   Discussion of SAFER Grants and AFG Grants.

o   Meeting decorum by attendees

o   Question: How is the “food” by vendor working out? Keith related we could post a sign showing who sponsored the hospitality at meetings. Discussion on ways to maintain hospitality and not burden our member vendors.   

o   Meeting Schedule / Venues looking forward into 2020:


ü  February – Newport Beach                                 (Firehouse world 24th – 27th)

ü  March – Carlsbad

ü  April –                 Vegas / El Segundo?                               (San Diego Wildland Conference 7,8 &9th)

ü  May – VNC ( New 27’s)

ü  June – LAFD

ü  July –

ü  August – Glendale

ü  September –                  (EMS World third week)

ü  October – Ventura City?

ü  November –  El Segundo?

ü  December – SFS?

Possible Venues / host agencies:

SD Fire Rescue


Santa Barbara


Adjourn 11:45 AM